Thursday, July 2, 2015

Get Fit This Summer and GoBowling!

Now that the winter chill is finally at bay, it's time to get ready for some pure, unadulterated summer fun -- and get fit in the process.
Here are a few reasons why bowling should by your summer exercise of choice.
Bowling burns calories
If you're looking for an activity that burns calories but isn't too high intensity, you can't beat bowling. It's vigorous enough to help you get in shape, but it doesn't require an extreme amount of exertion. That means it's a great option for almost everyone, no matter your age or fitness level.
Bowling takes you out of the heat
In most places, summer can get pretty hot. Yet the inside of your local bowling center is always cool and inviting. So why exercise in the sweltering heat? Burn those calories in comfort by spending a few warm summer afternoons on the lanes.
Bowling is a great way to spend time with friends
Exercise is great for you -- but working out alone is never quite as much fun. That's why bowling is such a great fit. You can enjoy a great day out with your friends or family and get the benefit of some moderate exercise. What's not to love about that?
Bowling makes you happy
Studies have shown that moderate exercise isn't just good for your health -- it also can boost your mood. So why not get the best of both worlds by having some summertime fun at your local lanes?
If you're ready to have the summer of your life and get fit while you're at it, visit to find a bowling center nearest you.